A better future - reducing overconsumption of new electronics. How to do it in the digital world?

Overconsumption is a problem faced by the entire world. The availability of many products, services, or even the possibility of almost unlimited travel causes the environment to suffer, and the accumulating pollution threatens ecosystems. Are there solutions to counteract this? Yes! One of them is the use of recyclable materials.

Overconsumption – the current problem of the world

Electronics can include devices such as laptops, tablets, computers or smartphones. It’s one of the largest branches of world trade, which is constantly growing due to such reasons as progressive digitization. This is related to an extensive production process, including the constant production of electronic components, for example processors, graphics cards, or other elements responsible for network operation, entertainment, communication and work.

According to data from a report prepared by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), the world produces as much as 50 million tons of electronic waste annually. For comparison – this is a weight greater than the total dimensions of all commercial aircraft produced so far in the world.

The terrifying fact is that only 20% of them are actually recycled. What are the effects? Improper management of electronic waste leads to such events as the loss of valuable raw materials - gold, platinum and cobalt, elements that are extremely rare on earth. It is estimated that up to 7% of the world's gold can be found in the so-called e-waste.

Climate changes

Pollution also affects climate change, with catastrophic effects on the environment - plants, microorganisms and animals. One of the main goals of global industry is to implement measures that will stop the dramatic increase in temperature, and then drop below 1.5°C.

This is due to, inter alia, reduction of coal combustion emissions by around 80% by 2030 - from 14 Gt CO2 in 2019 to 3 Gt CO2 in 2030. The plans from the 1990s are also a reference, when people began to notice the danger generated by the excessive production of goods. Since then, heat emissions have been reduced by 23% in the European Union, and the assumptions of the entire plan aim to reduce this value by 40% compared to the results from the 1990s, in 2030. Research is also currently underway to assess whether this value could be reduced even further - to 55%. This will make it possible to achieve climate neutrality.

That is why it is worthwhile to recycle electronics in accordance with the principle that all big changes should start with yourself. Instead of replacing entire equipment, you can only replace batteries or other components, giving them new life. Thanks to this, we will significantly reduce electro-waste that consumes the world.

What influences the fact that we replace electronics so often?

One of the most frequently chosen electronic devices is the laptop. Therefore, it is worth looking at the behaviour of users of this device, as well as those aspects that affect their operation. A laptop is a device that is ideal for work, while studying or for entertainment. How many years does a laptop last? Do users decide to buy more often than they should?

How many years a laptop will last depends on several aspects. The price does not always affect the quality of the device - but when it comes to laptops - it is quite important. Another factor is how it is used. Taking these two factors into account, it can be assessed whether a given product, e.g. an office laptop, will last for a short time or for a long time.

How long will a laptop last – what does it depend on?

At the beginning it is necessary to consider for what purposes the product will be used. Thanks to this, its parameters can be adjusted accordingly. For example, a typical consumer laptop will not last long if it is used to work using demanding graphics programs and games. By using it only while browsing websites, email box or watching movies, you can enjoy trouble-free operation even for several years.

In the case of gaming laptops, the situation is a bit different, because the games released by producers place higher demands on graphics cards or other components every year. Therefore, the solution will be to buy a model for which you can easily find replacement parts, such as graphics cards. This also applies to laptops for film processing or music production.

Circular economy – a response to the needs of the world

Circular economy is the reuse or replacement of used parts. Such activities are also called upcycling. This also applies to electronics such as laptops. The operation of the circular economy is described in several principles, including “create, use and give a second life to used products”. In the first view of the “Green Direction campaign, we discussed this aspect in a broader scope together with North.pl.

According to the circular economy, there are also companies such as Precio.pl that distribute used electronic devices from the business or IT segment, i.e. products with excellent technical specifications. It is thanks to them that you can buy, for example, a laptop for a company or simply as an individual customer, at a good price, with a guarantee, with features and solutions that are not available in the consumer version. An example is a laptop with a backlit keyboard, which is standard in the business series of devices.

What to pay attention to when shopping – a laptop that meets the user's requirements

As mentioned earlier, a good laptop should be adapted to the user's requirements – the right processor, cooling system and other components, for example, during such uses as operating advanced software or demanding games.

These aspects also include ecology – the use of solutions offered by the circular economy. New is not always better, it is more and more advantageous to choose, for example, post-lease laptops that are completely refurbished and receive a second life, providing the user with a full range of functions and high performance. By choosing such equipment, you can not only use solutions unheard of in typical consumer laptops, but also make a real contribution to the protection of our planet.

The text was created as part of the Green Direction campaign organized by North, Precio and Green Cell. You can read more about the assumptions of the campaign here.


  • https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/un-report-time-seize-opportunity-tackle-challenge-e-waste

  • https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-why-coal-use-must-plummet-this-decade-to-keep-global-warming-below-1-5c

  • https://www.iea.org/reports/coal-2020/demand

  • https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-climate-action/2030_ctp_en

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